When it comes time to put that old PC out to pasture and upgrade to the latest and greatest model, one of the biggest mistakes that both business and personal users can make is to throw it in the garbage as they would any other type of waste. Computer recycling, at its core, is the process of disassembling and separating the components of a piece of technology and finding sustainable ways to make sure that they can either be re-used or disposed of in a way that doesn’t harm the environment.

Computer Recycling
Why is Proper Computer Disposal So Important?
Making the decision to recycle old computers and other types of electronics equipment correctly is a hugely important one for two key reasons. For starters, recycling is the single best way to guarantee that hazardous waste like heavy metals, carcinogens and more (that are found on the sensitive electronics contained inside something like a PC) don’t enter the atmosphere, end up in landfill, or poison our waterways. Essentially, it’s a chance for businesses around the country to both leverage the power of modern technology to their advantage and to help do their part to protect our fragile environment at the same time.
The second reason why computer recycling is so important has to do with the fact that many people don’t realise just how much sensitive information is still accessible on an old PC or other types of equipment when they throw it into the garbage. At E Waste Express, we take steps to make sure that all hard drives and other storage media are both securely wiped and/or physically destroyed during the recycling process, helping to make sure that critical data doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. We also offer secure data cleaning, asset disposal consulting and more for this very purpose.
What Happens to E Waste?
Exactly what happens to e waste is something that varies depending on the type of technology being recycled. During the separation process, certain valuable rare earth metals, precious metals and other materials can be recovered for recycling. Certain parts of the equipment that are still perfectly functional may be reused as second-hand or refurbished parts.
At E Waste Express, we process IT equipment for recycling in Sydney. If you’d like to receive a free quote for your computer recycling needs, or if you’d just like to find out more about our electronics disposal services in general, please contact us today.